Martin Luther King Jr. day is more than a federal holiday, more than time off from school or work; it’s an opportunity to reflect on one of the world’s most compelling advocates for civil rights. Until the end of his life in 1968, King fought for the cessation of racial discrimination on both the state and federal level.
Before you ask yourself: “Well, what good is it to ruminate in history?” King said, in his Birmingham Jail letter, there are a couple different steps to take when fighting for equality, but we can focus on the first one: collect the facts to identify whether injustices are present. Black people are three times more likely to be killed by police and of those police-involved in shootings, 98% will not be charged with a crime, according to a Washington Post study.
This is happening today. It is happening in your community. This MLK day, think about the ways you can get involved to end the racial discrimination that is very clearly not in our past—just like the contributions of the Martin Luther King Jr.
We honor our great leaders, not only through remembering, but through actions that further their visions for a better world. Our youth call on YOU to take action on this auspicious day. Follow this link to donate or get involved: