Eastern Coachella Valley

The Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV) is a rural, unincorporated area in Southern California with a thriving community, which includes indigenous folks, Purépecha community, immigrant communities, and the queer community. Our programs support young people to identify the root causes of systemic issues in their communities and to uplift their own stories to bring about positive change.

Coachella Unincorporated was the first youth media program based in the ECV, followed by ¡Que Madre! Media in 2018. More recently, we launched our COVID-19 Response work, which has put youth voice at the forefront of addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on our communities. Our ECV office is also a member of the ECV Pride Planning Committee. 

The ECV also provides a career pipeline for our youth participants by offering paid youth internships to help lead our programming. Our current intern is Dayana Zaragoza.

Current Programs

Past Programs

Timeline of Wins in Eastern Coachella Valley

December 10, 2023 · 

Youth host a zine storytelling workshop at the Palm Springs Art Museum

August 26, 2023 · 

Youth journalists publish Walk with Us (Summer 2023) / Camine con Nosotrxs (Verano 2023)

April 14, 2023 · 

Eastern Coachella Valley youth co-publish Childhood Asthma and the Salton Sea Zine in collaboration with UC Riverside School of Medicine Center for Health Disparities Research

May 26, 2022 · 

Wellness Centers officially opened across all 4 high schools within Conejo Valley USD