Trusted Messenger

In 2023, yli launched a program in partnership at the Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications (OCPSC) deliver critical public health messages to communities – particularly those that are underserved and hard to reach. The idea is that organizations like yli that are rooted in and understand their communities are the best messengers for these vulnerable populations. 

Through the program, youth in Madera and the Eastern Coachella Valley work on a variety of campaigns as the need arises, including Extreme Heat, COVID-19, and Save Our Water, among others.

The program starts with capacity building – we spend program meetings talking in depth about the issue area and how young people see these issues impacting their communities. The goal here is to build buy-in by helping youth make the connection between the issue, root causes, and their own lived experiences. They also become subject experts, making them confident, knowledgeable and passionate messengers to their communities.

During these trainings, youth are supplied with printed materials and talking points that prepare them to have meaningful conversations with their friends, families and community members. Youth also participate in and host events throughout the year. Depending on the nature of the event, youth give presentations, participate in panels and/or table to have meaningful interactions with community members and residents. 

Their efforts are accompanied by a statewide social media campaign that builds on assets created by OCPSC to reach our online community in accessible and compelling ways. Follow us on Instagram at @ylinstitute to learn more!

Interested in joining?

If you live in Madera, reach out to Emily Rivas at [email protected] for more information on how to participate. 

If you live in the Eastern Coachella Valley, reach out to Cecy Lemus at [email protected] for more information on how to participate.