Teachers are the heart of our communities, and right now, the teachers of Oakland are fighting with all their hearts simply to do the job they love – to nurture, educate, and grow our children.
Here’s how you can support our brave teachers and students as they push forward on their historic strike to save our public schools:
- Join us on the picket line!! yli staff will be standing with teachers on Monday from 7am-10am – check out this strike site map for a location near you. The strike will likely continue through the week, so if you can’t make Monday, come out another day!
- Donate to the Teachers’ Strike Fund: https://www.gofundme.com/striking-oakland-teachers
- Donate to Bread for Ed to feed students and teachers: https://donorbox.org/breadfored
- Share this post on your social media channels and help us get the word out!
Faith Alliance for a Moral Economy – FAME is also mobilizing faith leaders and congregations to provide material support to teachers and families, and to activate faith leaders to join the picket lines. To get involved in our interfaith efforts to support the strike, contact Kristi Laughlin, [email protected].
Public education is under attack in Oakland and across the country. Our schools are underfunded and overcrowded, and our teachers are so underpaid they can no longer afford to live in the Bay Area. The Oakland Unified School District is threatening to close 24 neighborhood schools, all of which are in the flatlands of East and West Oakland.
Left with no other option, Oakland’s teachers are #StrikeReady. They are demanding:
- Smaller class sizes⠀
- More student support and services
- A living wage⠀
- To keep our neighborhood schools open⠀
What’s happening in Oakland is part of a wave of teachers’ strikes that have riveted the nation. Oakland’s teachers are joining their counterparts in Los Angeles, Denver and across the country who are standing up and fighting for our future.
Let’s show them how much we love and need them!