Wait, when did I give consent to receive an ad? Asking for a friend…

yli is My Story

As a youth, I tend to be on social media most of my time without even realizing it. I get hooked on Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and many others. As I spent more and more time on my phone I realized how unhealthy it is, especially mentally.Ā 

I had heard about its effects on mental health but I didnā€™t perceive it until it happened to me and even friends. I started comparing myself to many social media influencers. Not only that, but I saw my friends getting influenced by these celebrities in the wrong way. I remember one of these celebrities did an advertisement for the consumption of vaping/marijuana use. It was being glamorized all over their social media page. My friend thought it was ā€œcoolā€ how their favorite social media influencer was advertising it on their post but they soon realized that this isnā€™t a healthy place to be in.Ā 

Social media is an easy space to gain influence from others in many ways. For that reason, I envision a healthy online platform for everyone, which means making sure these platforms have a policy that limits advertisements reaching peopleā€™s feeds, especially those who are underage. We need reviews to make sure these ads donā€™t come in our feeds and that these influencers advertise these ads to the right audience. For example, if an ad is being seen on someoneā€™s feed it would have to be for the right age range.