YLI Coverage in The SF Bay News: SF sets limits on new cigarette permits
|yli is My Story
The SF News recently covered the amazing work conducted by the YLI Tobacco Use Reduction Force (TURF), culminating in the passage of an ordinance that halts the issuance of new tobacco permits to … Continued
The Statewide Preventing Underage Tobacco Sales, Assembly Bill 1310, passes!
|Campaign Victories
Congratulations, TURF!.. The Statewide Preventing Underage Tobacco Sales, Assembly Bill 1310, passes. Thank your for your ongoing support of youth leadership, Supervisor Mar!
YLI earns the San Francisco Award in Youth Organization; San Mateo YLI is successful in passing an Anti Payday Lending Ordinance in Daly City and S. SF, as well as a social host alcohol ordinance in Daly City; The Fresno Youth Advisory Leadership League forms (YALL); YLI and YUCA join to host a forum on Common Core Standards.
|Campaign Victories
San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar Commends YLI Youth
|yli is My Story
[cmsms_row data_padding_bottom=”50″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_position=”top center” data_color=”default” data_padding_right=”3″ data_padding_left=”3″ data_width=”boxed”][cmsms_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsms_text animation_delay=”0″] While introducing an ordinance to curb the proliferation of tobacco and cigarette outlets in San Francisco, Supervisor … Continued
|yli is My Story
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Brave work from our YLI Boys and Men of Color Fresno Crew
|yli is My Story
There is another issue in our San Joaquin Valley that may not be making headlines, but is just as important as the drought, and we are pleased the president is … Continued