AB 2181 – Expand Opportunities for Juvenile Court School Students

What is this bill about?

AB 2181 seeks to expand opportunities for juvenile court school students to stay in high school, as appropriate, to complete local graduation requirements, engage in A-G courses, dual enrollment (simultaneous high school and college attendance), and Career Technical Education opportunities.

How does it align with yli’s values?

yli partners with thousands of youth across the state, the majority of whom are low-income youth of color.

As leaders in the youth development field, we believe that all young people deserve a meaningful education that leads to future of greater opportunity and well being. These opportunities are especially crucial for systems-involved youth, who often have experienced trauma and face high risks in terms of poor adolescent and adult outcomes.

This bill would make good on our promises to young people by ensuring that juvenile court school students can remain in high school beyond completion of the state minimum graduation requirements should they choose, in order to benefit from additional education opportunities before graduating.

This policy aligns with our Education Justice Platform, which advocates for free, high quality, whole person education for all.

What is yli doing about it?

We have just submitted a letter endorsing this bill, and we are showing our support on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Who supports this bill?

  • Alameda County Office of Education (co-sponsor)
  • Riverside County Office of Education (co-sponsor)
  • California County Superintendents

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