ACA 8 – End Slavery in California

What is this bill about?

The End Slavery in California Act would give voters the opportunity to amend Article 1, Section 6 of the California Constitution to prohibit involuntary servitude – slavery by another name – without exception.

How does it align with yli’s values?

Despite the Thirteenth Amendment outlawing slavery and involuntary servitude, the California Constitution states, “involuntary servitude is prohibited except to punish crime.” This means that incarcerated people can be forced to labor against their will. It is a moral imperative that California dissolve the remnants of slavery from our constitution.

As an unapologetically anti-racist organization whose staff and youth participants are almost entirely Black, Indigenous and people of color, yli is adamant in our position against involuntary servitude. Our youth wake up fighting everyday to address the generations of harm to their families and communities caused by chattel slavery and white supremacy, and it’s time that our elected officials do their part.

This policy aligns with our Racial Justice Platform, which addresses the impacts of the carceral system on communities of color.

What is yli doing about it?

We have just submitted a letter endorsing this bill, and we are showing our support on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Who is sponsoring this bill?

  • Abolish Bondage Collectively
  • Legal Services for Prisoners with Children
  • All of Us or None

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