OPPOSE AB 965 & 1065 – expand and de-regulate telecoms companies

What are these bills about?

AB 1065 derails the public process of planning and implementing the expenditure of the federal dollars on broadband by hijacking dollars designated for WIRED broadband. AB 965 recklessly speeds up the permitting process for antenna approval so for-profit wireless companies can carpet areas using the federal dollars.

How does it align with yli’s values?

It doesn’t!! yli is deeply committed to building and sustaining a vibrant democratic process whereby local communities – and especially young people! – have a say in the laws that impact them. This policy is also out of alignment with our Environmental Justice Platform, which seeks to secure the health and wellbeing of communities of color and our planet over the long term.

What is yli doing about it?

We have just submitted a letter endorsing this bill, and we are showing our support on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Who is sponsoring this bill?

  • Americans for Responsible Technology

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