SB 1491 – Promote Greater Inclusivity in Higher Education

What is this bill about?

SB 1491 will promote greater inclusivity in higher education and provide much-needed support to 2SLGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff at both public and private colleges and universities across the state.

How does it align with yli’s values?

Many 2SLGBTQ+ students experience discrimination and harassment in higher education, which can negatively impact their academic success and overall well-being. According to the U.S. Transgender Survey, a survey of over 27,000 transgender adults, nearly one-quarter (24%) of respondents who were out or perceived as transgender in college reported being verbally, physically, or sexually harassed – with 16% of those who experienced harassment having left college because the harassment was so bad.

yli partners with thousands of youth across the state, and we are staunch advocates for the wellbeing, safety and recognition of all of our youth in all of the environments they decide to enter and most especially at school.

SB 1491 will require:

  • The Legislative Analyst’s Office to conduct an assessment of California’s public colleges and universities on the quality of life of LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff every three years, and to publish recommendations on its website.
  • Public colleges and universities to designate a point of contact to address the needs of LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. 
  • Colleges and universities to openly acknowledge any Title IX exemptions granted to them. Title IX is a federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Student Aid Commission will have to provide a written notice to students who receive state financial aid letting them know if their institution claims a religious exemption to federal non-discrimination protections.

This policy aligns with our Gender Justice Platform, which addresses the impacts of gender-based violence and envisions a world where all people are recognized, valued and loved for exactly who they are.

What is yli doing about it?

We have just submitted a letter endorsing this bill, and we are showing our support on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Who supports this bill?

  • Equality California

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