Youth Leaders, Community Action Model

  • Stipend/Gift Card
  • School Credit
  • Community Service/Volunteer Hours
  • Authorship on Publications/Letters to the Editor
  • Transportation Reimbursement
  • Grant/Scholarship

Youth Leadership Institute (yli) is now recruiting for a Community Action Model (CAM) project addressing the negative impacts of Big Tobacco in San Francisco. The project will engage transitional age (18-24) youth of color and LGBTQ+ youth, particularly those living in neighborhoods that are most impacted by the tobacco industry’s harmful products, pricing, and promotions, like:

  • Lakeshore
  • Mission District
  • Tenderloin
  • South of Market
  • Visitación Valley
  • Bayview communities

CAM will offer young leaders the opportunity to advocate for health equity within their own communities as it relates to the negative impacts of Big Tobacco. They will learn valuable skills relating to gathering research, analyzing data, and uplifting solutions to the Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Health Commission, the San Francisco Youth Commission, and many other decision-makers to ensure they directly lead change.

As they develop the language and framing to share their experiences and confront damaging policies, systems, and environments, our young leaders develop the tools to become powerful advocates for themselves and their communities. 

How to apply

We are recruiting now until August 31st, 2022. You can sign up via this form. Please reach out to Natasha Zastko [email protected] for more information.