
El rĂ­o de mi comunidad

Campaign Victories

A algunas personas las cosas simples pueden traer felicidad, como el sonido de la lluvia, un dĂ­a soleado o un rĂ­o. Un rĂ­o puede ser un lugar hermoso para relajarse … Continued

Gender Roles in the Modern Age

yli is My Story

We often suppress individuality in our community, whether it be through stating who may and may not wear makeup, or our restrictive gender roles, so people find themselves trapped within a certain set of rules just to appease societal norms.

Menlo College Students Celebrate Elections

yli is My Story

Before graduating high school, I believed that “my vote doesn’t matter” and “who cares about candidates.” Although I held several leadership positions in high school, I never looked outside my school bubble to invest my time and attention in local and federal elections. I did NOT care about politics.Â