YLI Youth Advocate presents before the Land Use and Economic Development Committee
|yli is My Story
The Healthy Retailer Incentive Program is a program that is going to help businesses bring healthier foods to their stores. The program will help bring healthier options in our communities … Continued
“Tobacco Sales to Youth Slip”, an SF Gate Article to be featured in the Chronicle!
|yli is My Story
Our very own Tobacco USe Reduction Force (TURF) campaign was highlighted in the San Francisco Gate news. “Research conducted by the Tobacco Use Reduction Force, a group of seven young … Continued
Nutrition Soldiers Presented at a National Childhood Obesity Conference!
|Campaign Victories
Nutrition Soldiers had the honor of attending and presenting at the 7th Biennial Childhood Obesity Conference. On Wednesday, June 19th, Mary and Avni presented to a room of about 200 people on … Continued
San Francisco Supervisor Eric Mar Presents Commendation Awards to TURF Youth
|Campaign Victories
Supervisor Eric Mar recently presented TURF Youth Commendation Awards for all their hard work. Keep up the amazing work!
HOPE YLTLP Graduates
|yli is My Story, Youth Opportunities
YLI was extremely impressed by and proud of our graduates of the HOPE YLTLP Program. HOPE is Hispanas Organized for Political Equality, a California-wide organization. Each year they host YLTLP, … Continued
Distracted Driving Rally: Fresno High School
|yli is My Story
This spring, the YLI chapter at Fresno High School hosted a Distracted Driving Rally at their school for all students. The rally reminded students of the importance of driving safely. … Continued
Young Leaders Attain Restorative School Discipline Policies
|Campaign Victories
A dedicated group of young advocates have scored a huge milestone in reforming school discipline in California’s fourth largest school district. On Wednesday, the Fresno Unified School District’s board of … Continued