
The Bay Area Fails Latino Students

yli is My Story

As a Latino student in Half Moon Bay, it worries me that my community is overlooked and not properly supported within our schools. I worry for future students who may not have the resources needed to succeed in their own community.

It’s better to buy at a flea market than a thrift store

yli is My Story

It’s 3:30 a.m. and my parents are waking up my siblings and I for another day at the flea market. That’s how our mornings started every weekend for 5 years – wake up, get dressed and help pack any last items before heading off to the flea market. All those years at the flea market helped pay for food and the bills, as well as help my siblings and I earn some money so we can buy items we like.

Bridge the STEM Gap for Women with More Introductory STEM Opportunities

yli is My Story

Only 28% of the workforce in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) are women. According to Yale Scientific Magazine, “women make up 34.5% of STEM faculty at academic institutions.” To balance out the gender imbalance in the STEM workforce, we need more representation and opportunities for women.

Environmental Science Class Should Be Mandated

Youth Opportunities

Jefferson Union High School District should mandate environmental science as a required course so that students will be made aware of the issue, recognize how the issue impacts their personal lives, and be encouraged to pursue future studies in climate change.