Selma Student Podcast
Selma High School Youth Podcast published their final episode. Their 4 part series, which youth did as their Spring Campaign, can be listened to on YouTube here.
Young people – particularly youth of color and their allies – are deeply motivated to address inequities in their communities. At Youth Leadership Institute, young people realize their power by learning to use their voices to create meaningful change.
We work within coalitions and with elected officials to promote policy change that makes our communities more equitable and just for young people, especially young people of color. And it’s paying off with over 130 policy wins so far.
Change happens when conversations take place. At yli, we believe that conversations of real significance only occur when all voices are heard. And we’re here to ensure that youth voice is heard. Loud and clear.
Selma High School Youth Podcast published their final episode. Their 4 part series, which youth did as their Spring Campaign, can be listened to on YouTube here.
Moving Forward published it’s first zine from the Iris Garrett Juvenile Justice Correctional Complex. The zine was a culmination of a group of incarcerated youth participating in the El Joven … Continued
Marin Oaks High School Friday Night Live hosted a school wide Mental Health event with activity stations that promoted healthy coping activities.
In collaboration with Education & Leadership Foundation, youth, and adult allies across Fresno Unified, yli held the second Fresno Unified Latinx High School Celebración. Read more about it here!
yli participated in Fresno Rainbow Pride marching with youth participants, adult allies from yli, school partners, and parents.
Coachella Unincorporated former youth/now staff Olivia Rodriguez Mendez participated in a panel following the screening of Estamos Aquí (We Are Here) alongside Silvia Paz of Alianza Coachella Valley, moderated by Margarita Castaneda … Continued
The Mental Health Subcommittee of the Marin County Youth Commission hosted their 5th Annual Wellness Festival at Terra Linda High School. The festival included panels, workshops, and a art and … Continued
In the first year of the pilot program, 12 youth completed a 6 month leadership program that cultivated a relationship between youth and the Redwood City community. Youth Leaders walked … Continued
You Are Sacred, the Youth Suicide Prevention Program, tabled at multiple high school and middle schools across Merced County for May Mental Health Awareness Month. They shared resources on coping … Continued
Youth journalists in Calafia, yli’s statewide journalism program, publish a zine and podcast entitled, False Promises: The Chasm Between Hope And Home.
We’Ced attended Equity On The Road, an town hall event held at Matilda Torres High School by the Sierra Health Foundation that focused on issues of Immigration, Health, Housing, Education, … Continued
The kNOw Youth Media hosted PoderArte Fest, a free community event in Fresno celebrating various forms of arts and artists in the Central Valley. With music, dance, poetry, art, yoga, … Continued
Davidson Middle School Club Live filmed two PSA videos about the harmful effects of vaping and healthy coping alternatives. The PSAs were broadcasted to their school on the morning announcements.
The Racial Equity Subcommittee of the Marin County Youth Commission hosted their first Cultural Fusion Fair which included a youth panel, workshops, tabling, food, and community building.
HOPE hosts a bilingual (English and Spanish) workshop on Social Media and Mental Health at the 14th Annual OYE Conference at Cañada College. This workshop was a dynamic conversation between … Continued
Daly City Bay Leaders and San Mateo County Youth Advocates join forces to lead an Integrative Voter Engagement Campaign. The campaign reached and distributed over 1,200 flyers in multiple languages … Continued
Bothin Foundation awards $50K to yli San Mateo to purchase a vehicle for program transportation. The vehicle will significantly impact the total number of youth reached and served by increasing … Continued
We’Ced hosts a vigil for Nex Benedict, a young queer person who died in Oklahoma, to remember them and their fight to be accepted.
Hamilton Middle School Club Live completed their bathroom project, where they painted over the middle school bathroom stalls, covering up graffiti and hate speech. Youth applied positive affirmation murals to … Continued
yli San Mateo partners with San Francisco State University Department of Public Health to host interns as part of their fieldwork experience. This partnership highlights the school-to-workforce development pipeline.
The Sacramento Bee published Short-term rentals are ruining what we love about small California towns, an article by Jesse Morris, youth journalist in yli’s statewide journalism program Calafia.
Check out the PSAs here!
San Mateo’s new VOICE program hosts a leadership panel to learn how city councilmembers, directors of nonprofits and youth leaders make decisions
The Fresno Bee published Fresno’s minimum wage workers have a key need: affordable apartment housing, an article by Alexis Zuniga, youth journalist in yli’s statewide journalism program, Calafia.
The Novato Community Program held roundtables on Substance Use and Wellness Centers, where peer to peer conversations identified a lack of awareness around substance use and mental health in elementary … Continued