In 2003, the County of Fresno approached yli to establish a local office — yli’s first outside of the Bay Area. Since then, yli’s Fresno office has blossomed, supporting thousands of youth to build powerful social justice campaigns that address the unique needs of both urban and rural communities.
Current Programs
Past Programs
Timeline of Wins in Fresno
Youth Mental Health Town Hall
In partnership with Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, 2 yli youth participants sat on a panel for a Youth Mental Health Town Hall. They discussed the mental health needs of youth in … Continued
FUSD Candidates Forum
Youth Leadership Institute co-hosts FUSD Candidates Forum with Faith in The Valley, Power California, CV UP, Californians for Justice, Woven Coalition Justice, and CMAC. Read more about the forum here!
Alumni Speak Against Alcohol Permits
Sunnyside and Roosevelt FNL Alumni speak at Fresno City Hall to uphold the Responsible Neighborhood Market Ordinance and educate on the harms of allowing liquor stores in close proximity to … Continued
Youth Stand Against Alcohol Permits
Fresno youth came together to attend the September 12th Fresno City Council Meeting to advocate against the reissuing of a conditional use permit for alcohol sales. The group of staff … Continued
2nd Annual Queer Housing Summit
yli co-sponsored the 2nd Annual Queer Housing Summit with South Tower Community Land Trust, Housing Now!, and Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center at Fresno’s historic Tower Theater.
The kNOw Youth Media publishes their 2024 Betting On Our Future video PSA.
The Little Things That Matter
The kNOw Youth Media published their Summer 2024 publication – The Little Things That Matter. View the publication here.
Orange Cove Student Podcast
Orange Cove High School Youth Podcast published their final episode. Their 5 part series, which youth did as their Spring Campaign, can be listened to on YouTube here.
Selma Student Podcast
Selma High School Youth Podcast published their final episode. Their 4 part series, which youth did as their Spring Campaign, can be listened to on YouTube here.
Fresno Unified Latinx High School Celebración
In collaboration with Education & Leadership Foundation, youth, and adult allies across Fresno Unified, yli held the second Fresno Unified Latinx High School Celebración. Read more about it here!
Fresno Rainbow Pride
yli participated in Fresno Rainbow Pride marching with youth participants, adult allies from yli, school partners, and parents.
PoderArte Fest 2024
The kNOw Youth Media hosted PoderArte Fest, a free community event in Fresno celebrating various forms of arts and artists in the Central Valley. With music, dance, poetry, art, yoga, … Continued
Orange Cove High School PSA
Orange Cove High School FNL students completed their animated PSA which was then shown to the community during a tabling event and uploaded to instagram. Watch the PSA here!
Selma High School PSA
Selma High School FNL students completed their animated PSA which was then shown to the community during a tabling event and uploaded to instagram. View the PSA here!
Youth plan and host the annual Fresno County Winter Jam
The event encourages young people to connect across the county and discuss areas of improvement in their communities as well as ways to support their peers. This year’s topics included … Continued
yli co-sponsors Queer Housing Summit
yli co-sponsors Queer Housing Summit with South Tower Community Land Trust and Fresno EOC LGBTQ+ Resource Center.
Mobilizing Youth to Nix Tobacco holds a community forum in Madera County in collaboration with American Cancer Society Action Network and Madera Public Health
The kNOw Youth Media publishes “Belonging”
Download your copy here!
English Learner Storytelling youth hold first ever Fresno Unified Latinx High School Graduation
In collaboration with Global Student League, English Learner Storytelling youth hold first ever Fresno Unified Latinx High School Graduation.
Youth Advocacy Leadership League publishes 2021 YALL Zine – ¡oye! Ntsia nov!
Check out the ‘zine in English and Spanish HERE.
Central East Friday Night Live youth organize community health & wellness rally, and resource fair
In collaboration with youth peers from Khair Intersnship, Central East Friday Night Live chapter organizes and facilitates a community health and wellness rally and lunchtime resource fair, attended by over … Continued
Sunnyside and Roosevelt Friday Night Live, and Betting on our Future host Fresno Teen Summit
Sunnyside Friday Night Live, Roosevelt Friday Night Live, and Betting on our Future (BOOF) hosted the Fresno Teen Summit with 71 youth participants. The event featured a local community leader … Continued
English Learner Storytelling and Global Student League successfully advocate for the first ever Latinx High School Graduation
English Learner Storytelling youth and Global Student League from Fresno Unified School District go in front of the FUSD School Board to advocate for the first ever Latinx High School … Continued
English Learner Storytelling publishes ‘zine about their experiences in Fresno Unified School District
Four Kerman youth organize and facilitate workshops on Merchant Education and Social Media at the Statewide Friday Night Live Youth Summit
Youth Advocacy Leadership League publishes ¡oye! Ntsia nov! Our Youth Experience, Volume 2
The kNOw Youth Media’s annual publication “Shift” is published
Kerman Friday Night Live/Club Live youth present their prevention and community engagement efforts before the City of Kerman Parks & Rec Commission
Hispaña Youth Leadership Program youth present their policy recommendations on youth mental health to Assemblymember Arambula and Senator Caballero
Hispaña Youth Leadership Program youth organize and present at the State of Latinas Statewide Town Hall at the Latina Action Day Conference
The Conference was attended by Fresno County Friday Night Live youth.
Hispaña Youth Leadership youth meet with Assemblymember Arambula about Health Care 4 All
Hispaña Youth Leadership Program participants meet with District 31 Assembly Member Joaquin Arambula about Health Care 4 All. They shared the findings from their original research with Assembly Member Arambula … Continued
Kerman Friday Night Live/Club Live youth organize and host the Annual Teen Summit
Friday Night Live youth leaders present to Assemblymember Arambula
Friday Night Live youth leaders present their efforts to prevent youth from using alcohol to Assemblymember Arambula.
Kerman City Council votes against new liquor license
Kerman Middle schoolers spoke before Kerman City Council regarding the over-saturation of liquor stores in Kerman, successfully advocating to deny another liquor license.
Youth leaders co-facilitate a workshop at the 2nd Annual Transform Fresno Summit
Transform Fresno Youth Leadership Development Program Youth leaders co-facilitate a workshop at the 2nd Annual Transform Fresno Summit. The purpose of the Program is to nurture creative project ideas and … Continued
English Learner Storytelling Program Launches
The English Learner Storytelling Project is designed for English Learners in Fresno Unified School District to share their experiences as EL students in FUSD – the good and the bad. … Continued
Fresno City Council Passes the Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing Ordinance
This Ordinance bans smoking in and around apartment buildings and other multi-unit housing, ensuring that youth and families are protected from second-hand smoke.
REP559 Launches
Boys & Men of Color program closes
Youth speak at Assemblymember Arambula’s Mental Health Town Hall
Boys & Men of Color youth speak to a panel of experts on the experience and mental hardships of young people in school during the pandemic.
Youth Mental Health Town Hall with Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Assemblymember Arambula hosts a Town Hall focused on mental health and the toll it took on young people as they practiced distanced learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
One yli youth selected to sit on Friday Night Live’s California Youth Council
Friday Night Live (FNL) California Youth Council selects one Fresno County youth leader to represent Fresno County at the state level.
Youth leader speaks at San Joaquin River Conservancy Press Conference and Check Presentation
Fresno Boys & Men of Color youth leader Raymart Catacutan speaks about his experiences on the San Joaquin River.
BOOF launches storytelling campaign to raise awareness of problem gambling
Betting On Our Future (BOOF) completes their storytelling campaign to raise awareness around problem gambling.
Youth speak at San Joaquin River Conservancy AB 559 Press Conference
Fresno Boys & Men of Color (BMOC) youth leader Kieshaun White and Fresno BMOC Program Manager speak at a press conference in support of AB 559.
State of Latina Teens: Virtual Youth Town Hall
Fresno County Hispañas Youth Leadership Program (HYLP) leads a statewide virtual town hall exploring solutions to the pressing issues impacting California Latina youth.
The kNOw publishes “The New World”
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
Youth leader Hazel Ventura is published in multiple yli ‘zines
Hazel Ventura was published in The kNOw’s “New World” print publication, and then again in yli’s YALL publication “¡oye! ntsia nov! Our Youth Experience Vol. 1.”
FNL Advocacy Day – Meeting with Assemblymember Dr. Joaquin Arambula
Fresno County Friday Night Live (FNL) Members meet with Assemblymember Arambula to update his office on their underage alcohol prevention efforts.
Statewide Friday Night Live Meeting
Kerman Friday Night Live (FNL) participates in leading the April Statewide FNL meeting where they presented about their Kerman Cares! Office of Traffic Safety Merchant Education Campaign efforts and chapter highlights.
Virtual I and E Days
In partnership and solidarity for a tobacco-free California, MYNT joined advocates throughout the entire state of California to inform and educate stakeholders on our tobacco control initiatives.
My Brother’s Keeper launches internship for its Mental Wellness Campaign
A cohort of interns gather data on mental health resources (including non-clinical) available to young people in schools.
Youth meet with Assemblymember Arambula about mental health during COVID-19
yli youth, including MYNT Coalition Members, participate in a virtual conversation to address the emotional and mental wellness of young people amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
The kNOw and Coachella Uninc. participate in publishing Behind Our Masks
Behind Our Masks, a statewide publication, centers on the issues affecting young adults in California.
Youth meet with Assemblymember Arambula on COVID-19
yli youth and staff meet with Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula to raise up their voices and experiences in mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Zero Fare Clean Air passes!
The Fresno City Council voted to approve the Zero Fare Clean Act (ZFCA) on a 5-2 vote on Thursday, February 18th, 2021.
Virtual Black History Month
In collaboration with youth and adult allies in the African-American community, yli hosted a virtual Black History Month series to uplift Black voices of change in tobacco control, literacy, and leadership.
City Councilmember meets with Fresno Boys & Men of Color to discuss the Zero Fair Policy
Fresno City Councilmember Tyler Maxwell attends Fresno Boys & Men of Color (BMOC) meeting to discuss with youth leaders the Zero Fare Policy, which would provide free bus rides to all residents.
BMOC secures $50k for COVID-19 mutual aid
Boys & Men of Color secured $50k pandemic fund from Obama Foundation to provide direct support to youth and launched paid youth internship program.
BMOC helps pass Measure P for Fresno Parks
Boys & Men of Color helped pass Measure P in December 2020, which is projected to raise $40 million a year for the next 30 years to support parks and green spaces in Fresno.
MYNT youth attend Fresno City Youth Council Meeting to present on vaping
MYNT youth attend Fresno City Youth Council Meeting to present on vaping.
San Joaquin Healing Circle
Youth participate in a healing circle surrounding the struggles of digital learning and COVID-19.
Fresno City Council passes the Responsible Neighborhood Market Act
After 8 years of partnership and educating Fresno City Council on the issue of density of alcohol retailers around youth spaces, the Fresno City Council passes the Responsible Neighborhood Market Act.
CX Regional Cross Collaboration
MYNT works with other tobacco-control initiatives on how our efforts in the community can best lead to change.
Tranquility Student and Teacher Healing Circle
Youth and teachers came together to participate in a healing circle where they discussed issues surrounding school climate.
BMoC secures $300k for wellness services and youth internships
Fresno Boys & Men of Color secures $300,000 in CARES funds to support community-based, holistic mental wellness services and paid internships for young people.
BOOF launches storytelling campaign to raise awareness of problem gambling
Betting On Our Future (BOOF) completes their storytelling campaign to raise awareness around problem gambling.
Juneteenth digital coloring book launched
Edison Friday Night Live’s radio PSA is played on iHeart Radio
Friday Nigh Live Advocacy Day
Gaston Club Live’s radio PSA is played on iHeart Radio
Youth meet with supervisor on tobacco policy
The kNOw and We’Ced participate in publishing Not So Golden
Not So Golden, a statewide youth media project, centers on the issues affecting young adults in California.
Madera Ranchos Presentation on Tobacco
MYNT collaborates with a program in Madera to present at Madera Ranchos Middle School.
Kerman Parks & Rec show support for youth policy recommendation
Youth attend Fresno City Youth Council Meeting to Present Vaping Information
Youth Advocacy Leadership League hosts I Won’t Provide Press Conference
BMoC hosts Art Hop gallery
Fresno BMOC hosts Art Hop gallery featuring stories of their experiences (and struggles) with mental health.
The kNOw publishes “Awakening”
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
2 youth leaders represent Fresno County at Friday Night Live California Youth Council
Friday Night Live California Youth Council (CYC) accepts two Fresno County FNL Leaders to represent Fresno County at the Sate Level. Nicole Lee, leader from Roosevelt High School FNL and … Continued
Two yli youth selected to sit on Friday Night Live’s California Youth Council
Friday Night Live (FNL) California Youth Council selects two Fresno County FNL youth leaders to represent Fresno County at the state level.
Fresno’s Responsible Neighborhood Market Ordinance Passes 6-0
On May 2nd, after 7 years of passionate advocacy, commitment, faith, and love, City Council passed in a unanimous vote the Responsible Neighborhood Market Ordinance, which will cap the number of liquor licenses in Fresno, especially in Black and Brown communities of central and south parts of the city.
Yammilette G. Rodriguez Receives the 2019 James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award
On February 11th it was announced that Central Valley Senior Director of Programs Yammilette Rodriguez was awarded the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award. These awards, “recognize and support individuals who are advancing innovative and effective solutions to significant state issues” and provide a $250,000 investment in the work.
Fresno voters approve Measure P
52.17% voters vote in favor of Measure P, a community-led ballot initiative calling on the city to invest in local parks.
Roosevelt Friday Night Live is awarded the Friday Night Live chapter of the year
Roosevelt Friday Night Live is recognized for their Positive Social Norms Peer and Parent Media Campaign.
Roosevelt chapter receives FNL Chapter of the Year award
Roosevelt Friday Night Live is awarded the Friday Night Live chapter of the year for their Positive Social Norms Peer and Parent Media Campaign.
The kNOw publishes “Toxic Masculinity”
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
Selma Passes Policy for Smoke-Free Parks
Fresno County Adopts SB 190 that Reduces Juvenile Justice Fees
City Council Creates Youth Jobs Task Force
Smoke-Free Parks Kerman Passes
Two yli youth selected to sit on Friday Night Live’s California Youth Council
Friday Night Live (FNL) California Youth Council selects two Fresno County FNL youth leaders to represent Fresno County at the state level.
The kNOw publishes “Resistance”
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
Fresno Boys and Men of Color Speak Up For Safe Spaces, Fresno Unified Listens
Fresno Unified adopts Safe Spaces policy for undocumented students after YLI youth speak out at school board meeting.
The kNOw publishes “The View from Down Here”
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
Tobacco-Free Parks Adopted in Kerman
The kNOw publishes “Writing Our Reality
Click here for links to English and Spanish versions!
Fresno Civic Engagement Task Force Includes Two Youth Seats
Fresno Business Council Reserves Seat for Fresno Youth Commission
Fresno Amends Code to Reduce Alcohol Signage in Stores
Resolution to Reduce Alcohol Saturation
Fresno Forms Youth Commission
YLI youth, staff and community partners worked tirelessly to get Fresno City Council to create the city’s first-ever youth commission.
Fresno Unified Adopts Restorative Justice Pilot Program
In June 2012, YLI’s Fresno office started facilitating a collaborative effort of several youth development organizations working to increase student attendance and achievement, entitled Students United to Create a Climate … Continued